martedì 21 ottobre 2008

Adventures in the Italian Language

I have studied French for 11 years and lived in France for two years. Although I would describe my French as very fluent, I am only just capable of completing an “easy” crossword (as long as the book had answers in the back). I was very chuffed, therefore, when I realised the other day that there are already several things in Italian that I know at least two words for and I'm starting a list, partly so that I can boast about it and partly because, a few years down the line, it may help me to do crosswords as I lounge in a deckchair in my luxury Italian villa.

La cima/vetta – the top of a mountain (An insight into what I spend a lot of time doing?)
Sei matto/sei pazzo – you're crazy
Mi stufo/mi scoccio – I'm bored (Hopefully no insights into my life here!)

Some of my other new favourite words and phrases are:

Un riccio – a hedgehog, but also a chestnut shell

Mi vesto cipolla – I dress like an onion (ie with layers!)

"Sono un sacco di posers" (a quote from a friend) - “un sacco di” means “a sackful” or a lot. There is no word for “posers” in Italian, despite the fact that the country so desperately needs one.

2 commenti:

J ha detto...

Yay, keep posting Italian vocabulary. I want to learn more words in italiano! and LOL about Italian needing a word for posers.

I hope to make it to Milan one of these days. It's only 4.5 hours from here by train...

Canedolia ha detto...

You should come, Jennie. Let me know if you need a tour guide!